The backend of this project is built using Node.js and Express.js. It handles the compression of PDF files using the compress-pdf library, which utilizes Ghostscript for compression. The backend supports different compression levels (Low, Medium, High) and serves the compressed PDF files directly to the client.


  • PDF Compression: Accepts PDF files and compresses them using Ghostscript.

  • Compression Levels: Supports different levels of compression:

    • Low: Optimized for screen viewing.
    • Medium: Balanced quality for eBooks.
    • High: Highest quality for prepress.

Technology Stack

  • Node.js: JavaScript runtime used for building the backend server.
  • Express.js: Web framework for handling HTTP requests and routing.
  • Multer: Middleware for handling file uploads.
  • compress-pdf: Library used to compress PDF files with Ghostscript.


Clone the Repository:

git clone
cd pdf-tools-backend

Install Node.js Dependencies:

npm install

Install Ghostscript:

    Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install ghostscript -y
    MacOS: brew install ghostscript
    Windows: choco install ghostscript

API Endpoints

GET /: A test route to check if the server is running.

POST /compress:

  • Description: Compress a PDF file.
  • Form Data:
    • pdfFile: The PDF file to be compressed.
    • compression: The compression level (low, medium, high).
    • Response: The compressed PDF file is sent as a download.