
Sample base android app

Primary LanguageKotlin


Android sample base application that uses clean architecture and modularization. With advantages of this architectures make application is easy to read, understand , scale and maintains.


This app is just a sample app using mock api, not real app, my goal is just to describe how I split modules and layers.


There are different ways of dividing modules depending on the characteristics of each application. Here I use the module-by-feature division. All of a feature's resources will be placed in a module whose name is the feature's name. There are also common, core and logging modules, which will be used by feature modules.

With this division, the application will have separate features, making development and maintenance easier. The dependencies of the modules are depicted in the diagram below.

Modules dependencies Modules in project

Note: The app module can access all other modules except edit module, because the edit module is a dynamic module, the dependency of the edit module and the app module is an inverse dependency. Android Studio installs all your modules by default, including dynamic features. To test the installation of dynamic feature modules you can use bundle tool, a command-line tool.

  • app module: is an application module which contains MainApplication and MainActivity.
  • base module: contains all base classes that can be used for other applications.
  • core module: contains classes that are shared by modules. For example, create objects: Retrofit, Database, Preferences, ...
  • logging module: contains custom logging methods. This app use Timber library.
  • login module: is a feature module which is available when install app. It contains login and registration flow.
  • users module: is a feature module and it is available when install app. This feature contains list users screen and detail user screen.
  • myprofile module: is a feature module which is available when install app. This feature contains my profile screen.
  • edit module: is a dynamic feature module which no available when install app. When user need it, it will be download. This feature contain edit user info screen.
  • share module: is a instant dynamic feature module which available when run instant app.

Packets in feature module

All feature modules will have the same type of package split.

Packets in module

Data flow

Follow clean architecture at here.

Data flow

Work flow

The app use MVVM pattern.

Work flow
