Cross platform 128bit AES encryption / decryption.

This project contains the implementation of 128 bit AES encryption which works on all the platforms (C#, iOS(Swift), Java Android, PHP and Java backend).

Platforms Supported:

  1. iOS Swift4)

  2. Java Android

  3. Dot Net (C#) [Also works with .Net Core]

  4. Java Backend

  5. PHP


Cross platform support. Encryption-Decryption works across C#, Swift, Java and PHP.

How to encrypt/decrypt a string:

See code samples for more details. You'll have to perform following steps:

  1. Use a common secret key across all platform.
  2. Call the CryptoHelper.encrypt(String) for encryption.
  3. Call the CryptoHelper.decrypt(String) for decryption.

PHP Uses PHP Uses

Swift Uses Swift Uses

Java Uses Java Uses

C# Uses C# Uses