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Apostrophe 3 Onboarding Project

This repository is a companion to the A3 web development tutorials. The series aims to offer a strong foundation for understanding and effectively utilizing ApostropheCMS.

Throughout these tutorials, we'll incrementally build a sample website using the Apostrophe 3 (A3) Essentials starter kit. This project serves as a learning tool, it is not intended as a plug-and-play template for your individual projects.

For each tutorial in the series, a new branch will be added to this repository containing all the changes from previous tutorials. You can follow along at your own pace. To switch to the relevant branch at the start of each tutorial, you can either use git switch <branch-name> on your local machine or examine the branch directly on GitHub.

Getting Started Locally

  1. Clone or fork and clone this repository.
  2. Run npm install to install the necessary dependencies.
  3. Add an admin user by running node app @apostrophecms/user:add <user-name> admin.
  4. Whenever you switch to a new branch, remember to run npm update.

About the Database Backup

The main branch includes a database-backup folder. This contains the final project database pre-populated with pieces and pages. Use npm run copy-db to copy this database to your local MongoDB server.

⚠️ Important Note: Doing this will overwrite any existing database for this project, wiping out all your users. You'll need to re-create an admin user afterwards.

⚠️ Special Warning: If you're following along with the tutorial and your project is named a3-onboarding-project, restoring this database will overwrite it. To avoid this, you can:

  • Change the shortname in the app.js file of this project.
  • Modify the "copy-db" script in package.json. The existing script is mongorestore --gzip --nsFrom=onboarding-walkthrough.* --nsTo=a3-onboarding-project.* --drop --verbose --archive=./database-backup/onboarding. Replace --nsTo=a3-onboarding-project.* with your new shortname.
  • This can also allow you to use this database in your personal project. Just modify the "copy-db" script to replace that same --nsTo with the shortname of your project, making sure to add .* at the end.

Images and Attachments

The main branch also contains all the images used in the final site, located in public/uploads/attachments. You may copy these to your personal project if you decide to use this repository's database. A majority of these images are sourced from Unsplash, and a file named unsplash-credit.json is included to give credit to the authors.

Table of Contents

Branch Description Link
sec2-1b Project initiation using apos create a3-onboarding-project. Code Organization
sec2-2-pages Creation of pages and template changes Creating Pages
sec2-3-assets Addition of Bootstrap framework and other assets. Adding CSS and JS assets
sec2-4-widgets Creation of a number of widgets for layout and content presentation. Creating Widgets
sec2-5-pieces Creation of the main review piece and methods for displaying pieces. Creating Pieces
sec2-6-navigation Addition of different types of navigation for pages and social links. Building Navigation
sec2-7-ui-customization Introduction to UI personalization. Configuring the Admin Bar
sec2-8-adding-extensions Exploration of the SEO and Blog extensions. Adding Extensions