
program to assist musicians with mundane music theory stuff

Primary LanguageC++

1. Notice for users of the musicTheory program: 
    1. The program currently does not support flats "b", only sharps "#". Thus,
    when inputing notes into the program, please only use "#" (for example: 
    G# instead of Ab). 

2. To build the program:
    In the directory called "musicTheory", run "make", then run "./music". 
    A query prompt should appear ("query?") and you can start prompting the

3. Current functionality supported (will be added in the future): 
    1. Generate scales from a note (the tonic)
        1. Major scale: to generate a major scale, type "maj_scale" followed
        by the tonic note of the scale you want to generate. 
            Example: maj_scale C#

        2. Natural Minor scale: to generate a minor scale, type "nat_min_scale" followed by the tonic note of the scale you want to generate. 
            Example: nat_min_scale C#

    2. Calculate the interval between two notes in semitones
        Type "interval" followed by the lower note, then the higher note. 
            Example: interval C B

    3. Generate chords
        1. Major triad: Type "maj_triad" followed by the first degree in the chord
            Example: maj_triad C#
        2. Minor triad: Type "min_triad" followed by the first degree in the chord
            Example: min_triad C#

    4. Find the nth degree of a scale
        Type deg followed by the scale name (ex: maj or nat_min), the degree of
        the scale you want to find, and the tonic of the scale. 
            Example: deg maj 3 C# to find the 3rd degree of the C# major scale
                     deg nat_min 4 D to find the 4th degree of the D natural 
                     minor scale.