
Hippopotamus is a non-comercial 2D rogue-like game written in C++ using the Qt Framework and Entity Component System architechture pattern.

The game is a study project of FAMCS BSU first year students (February - May 2021)

Team members:


Best illustrator in the world:

Game Description

The main character of the game is a traveler who mysteriously found himself in an ancient dungeon. Now he must survive, find and defeat all the bosses.

Development status

Development started in March 2021 and completed in May 2021. In releases you can find executable files with which you can run the game on 64-bit Windows. You can also clone this repo and compile the project on any OS.

Continuous integration

The automatic build and static analysis is started after each commit. This usually takes up to two minutes. The result can be viewed on the GitHub Actions page or in the commit status.

Cppcheck notes don't change the build status, but it is recommended to read an fix them if necessary. 'Cpplint' warnings and build erros must not be ignored.

Building project with CMake

If you want to work with the project in CLion, you need to clone the repository. Then you need to edit the file CMakeLists.txt. Add the line describing the path to CMake config files contained in Qt. For example:

set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "~/Qt/5.15.2/gcc_64/lib/cmake) for Linux

set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "C:/Qt/Qt5.13.0/5.13.0/mingw73_64/lib/cmake") for Windows

If your OS is Linux, work is done. Otherwise you have to add path to Qt libraries and compiler into Path. For exmample:



After that you need to reboot your Windows.