• Ruby version

    ruby 3.1.2p20 (2022-04-12 revision 4491bb740a) [x86_64-linux]

  • Rails version

    Rails 7.0.6

  • Database creation

    $ rails db:create

  • Database initialization

    $ rails db:migrate

    $ rails import_data:movies_and_reviews

  • How to run the test suite


This assignment is about writing a small Ruby On Rails application. Use a methodology that works for you or that you are used to.

  1. Create a new application with Ruby on Rails

  2. Study the content of movies.csv and reviews.csv

  3. Define a database schema and add it to your application

  4. Write an import task to import both CSV-files

  5. Show an overview of all movies in your application

  6. Make a search form to search for an actor

  7. Sort the overview by average stars (rating) in an efficient way

Design CSV importer/application for heavy data processing

This depends on the nature of the imported data, do I need to do processing on it or not?

This can be done by different ways, using batches/chunks [I've developed that feature for different data sources not just CSV files at incorta.]

Also, can be done using streams to read line by line instead of loading the whole file to memory.