
Fast OpenCL HDR merge

Primary LanguageC++


This is my attempt to write a fast HDR merge algorithm that runs on the GPU. It is currently in development, in the stages of optimization.

HDR example


  • Based on the Mertens-Kautz-Van Reeth exposure fusion algorithm (conference paper PDF), like the Enfuse tool.
  • Uses OpenCL 1.2 to offload work to the GPU.
  • Suitable for batch processing- separate concurrent threads for reading/merging/writing of files.


  • Optimize DMA transfers to the GPU
    • Some specific commands allow concurrent DMA transfers and processing on the GPU (depends on vendor).
    • Memory has to be aligned and pages have to be pinned by the kernel to facilitate fastest transfer rates.
    • Devices have limits on the maximum size allocated per allocation in VRAM- need to transfer/process image in chunks for large images. This is the current bottleneck.
  • Optimize OpenCL kernels.