This is an android application connected to a arduino that has pulse oxymeter which provides body temperature, bpm and oxygen in blood measurement.
- Profile for every user
- List of all your history
- Give your Body Temperature, BPM and Oxygen level in Blood.
- Save the data in history
- Read out relative value when tap on the value
- Give warning if the value is critical
- Accuracy of the mesurements
- Interactive attractive and minimalistic user interface
- Security issues and data encrytpion
- Efficient and fast data rendering
- Efficient memory management
- Efficient hardware management
- Java
- Arduino
- MySql
- Android Studio
- Download this project
- Build hardware setup
- Move the PHP folder to your server (Ex. for xampp keep it in htdocs)
- Create a databse name 'health'
- Import the sql file from Database folder to your database
- Run the arduino project from ARDUINO folder into your hardware setup
- Import and build this file in android studio
- Install it in your android phone or in emulator
- Connect bluetooth