Hi there 👋.

I'm a software engineer currently working as a fullstack developer, mainly with cloud technologies (aws as provider).

Proficient with:

  • Javascript / Typescript
  • HTML
  • CSS / SASS
  • React js / Redux
  • Vue js / Vuex
  • Angular 2+
  • RxJs
  • Git
  • Graph QL
  • Micro-frontend / Single SPA
  • Scrum
  • AWS:
    • AWS Lambda
    • AWS DynamoDB
    • AWS RDS
    • AWS Cognito
    • AWS SNS/SQS/EventBridge
    • AWS Appsync
    • AWS ApiGateway
    • AWS SSM
    • AWS S3
    • ...

Familiar with:

  • Node js / Nest js
  • Python
  • MongoDB
  • Electron js
  • Storybook
  • EC2
  • ECS
  • Docker

I enjoy my weekends participating in programming competitions 🥇 (most part of the time on CodeForces), or playing some video games.

🚀 Open to work on interesting & challenging projects!