- 1
Task list for Vulkan 1.4 release
#2471 opened by marty-johnson59 - 3
Warn when `VkExternalImageFormatProperties` is present without `VkPhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatInfo`
#2462 opened by MarijnS95 - 3
- 4
Vulkan 1.4 feature requirements are inconsistent
#2470 opened by kusma - 2
- 0
Task list for VK_KHR_video_encode_quantization_map release
#2466 opened by aqnuep - 0
Task list for VK_KHR_video_encode_av1 release
#2465 opened by aqnuep - 2
#2451 opened by colinmarc - 9
- 1
docs: Should `vkWaitSemaphores()` list synchronization scopes and exclude access scopes?
#2463 opened by MarijnS95 - 1
[Question] Necessity of VUID-vkQueueSubmit-pSubmits-02207 and VUID-vkQueueSubmit2-commandBuffer-03879
#2464 opened by lukedan - 3
- 0
Inconsistant limittype specification
#2461 opened by qbojj - 2
- 1
- 1
- 6
VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR does not require the oldSwapchain to belong to the given device
#2454 opened by mahkoh - 2
VK_COMMAND_POOL_CREATE_RESET_COMMAND_BUFFER_BIT and implicit command buffer reset
#2458 opened by ntsh-oni - 0
Build Antora docs site as part of CI
#2455 opened by oddhack - 4
- 0
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Task list for VK_KHR_pipeline_binary release
#2421 opened by stu-s - 1
Clarify memory model atomic operation language
#2449 opened by ewerness-nv - 1
Spec clarification regarding VkAccelerationStructureBuildRangeInfoKHR::primitiveOffset
#2445 opened by cmannett85-arm - 4
Cross adapter memory and synchronization
#2443 opened by Agrael1 - 1
#2446 opened by Kimmon322 - 4
- 1
Contradictory VK_HUAWEI_subpass_shading with VUIDs
#2438 opened by Karpov-Ruslan - 3
Typo in description of VkCmdBuildAccelerationStructures
#2439 opened by PtrMan - 5
- 4
VUID-vkAcquireNextImageKHR-surface-07783 refers to nonexistent argument pAcquireInfo
#2433 opened by zopsicle - 2
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VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR::currentTransform is not required to be one of the supported transforms
#2440 opened by zopsicle - 1
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Missing require for `VK_MAX_PIPELINE_BINARY_KEY_SIZE_KHR` in `VK_KHR_pipeline_binary` (vk.xml)
#2422 opened by Macdu - 7
VkLogicOp with floating and sRGB color attachments
#2426 opened by YaaZ - 2
Prevent concatenation for string constants in headers?
#2425 opened by kanashimia - 1
[Roadmap Feedback]
#2424 opened by axcep747 - 2
- 2
Clarify that imported buffers cannot cause data races
#2408 opened by DemiMarie - 1
Synchronization examples bug?
#2415 opened by aer-i - 2
Permitting device loss due to improper external synchronization is (or at least seems) too restrictive
#2409 opened by DemiMarie - 1
Duplicate entry for 1.3.293 in changelog
#2413 opened by qbojj - 3
[VK_EXT_device_memory_report] How to handle the relationship between vkCreateDescriptorPool and vkAllocateDescriptorSets?
#2407 opened by ShenghuaLinINTEL - 2
Really minor - vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPropertiesKHR should link to VkDisplayPropertiesKHR
#2401 opened by mikejsavage - 5
Multiple equivalent require blocks could be merged
#2404 opened by Waffl3x - 3
Tweak signature of `vkCmdSetBlendConstants`
#2403 opened by myaaaaaaaaa - 3
Rendering to a VkImageView referencing multiple mip levels using Dynamic Rendering
#2400 opened by Cyphall