
[webgl2] Web IDL validation errors

autokagami opened this issue · 1 comments

🤖 This is an automatic issue report for Web IDL validation error. 🤖

The bot found validation errors but couldn't fix them automatically, since the IDL texts include HTML tags. Please check the following messages and fix them.

  • Validation error at line 458 in webgl2,6:
     target, [AllowShared] BufferSource? srcData, GLenum

    Error: [AllowShared] BufferSource is now replaced with AllowSharedBufferSource.

  • Validation error at line 459 in webgl2,6:
     dstByteOffset, [AllowShared] BufferSource srcData);

    Error: [AllowShared] BufferSource is now replaced with AllowSharedBufferSource.

Please file an issue at if you think this is invalid or should be enhanced.

kdashg commented

This is #3539!