
Clarify OffscreenCanvas.transferToImageBitmap and preserveDrawingBuffer

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Clarify OffscreenCanvas.transferToImageBitmap and preserveDrawingBuffer

It mandates that color buffer is cleared.
Are depth and stencil buffers preserved or cleared?

The transferToImageBitmap() method, when invoked, must run the following steps:

Set this OffscreenCanvas object's bitmap to reference a newly created bitmap of the same dimensions and color space as the previous bitmap, and with its pixels initialized to [transparent black>(, or opaque black if the rendering context's alpha flag is set to false.

This means that if the rendering context of this OffscreenCanvas is a WebGLRenderingContext, the value of preserveDrawingBuffer will have no effect. [WEBGL]

I think the depth and stencil buffers, if they exist, should be cleared to the default values defined in . What do you and others think?

The depth, stencil and color buffers should be cleared if preserveDrawingBuffer == false.
The depth, stencil and color buffers should be preserved if preserveDrawingBuffer == true.

Otherwise transferToImageBitmap + Placeholder Canvas + preserveDrawingBuffer == true seems hard to implement:

  • A early transferToImageBitmap would clear
  • A later commit to placeholder canvas would preserve
  • --> code needs to support both

I agree, clearing implies clearing depth-stencil as well.

WebGL meeting 2024-03-21:

  • KR: Kimmo, could you write a test for this?
  • KK: If someone was relying on the previous spec - we're going to say that you should change your code
  • KG: thought this was just a clarification. Thought depth/stencil was cleared if and only if the color buffer was cleared.
  • KK: clarity is around depth/stencil buffer. Not mentioned at all. Other thing to clarify - how does preserveDrawingBuffer affect all the buffers?
  • Today, most implementations clear upon transferToImageBitmap regardless of preserveDrawingBuffer state
  • KG: if you want to change the preserveDrawingBuffer semantics, that's not a clarification. But if you want to state that depth/stencil are cleared, that's a clarification.
  • Agreed:
    • We'll clear depth/stencil if and only if color is cleared
  • AIs:
    • KG to write the spec change
    • KK to write the test