Realtor-WEB API Development using Ktor Server


This repository contains the source code for the Realtor-WEB API development using the Ktor server framework. It provides endpoints for managing categories, houses, and contacts in a real estate application.


  • Create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations for categories, houses, and contacts.
  • Flexible API endpoints for managing real estate data.
  • Easy-to-use interface for interacting with the API.

Technologies Used

  • Ktor: A Kotlin framework for building asynchronous servers and clients.
  • SQLite: A lightweight database engine.
  • JSON: A lightweight data-interchange format.


  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd Realtor-WEB
  3. Run the application: ./gradlew run


Category Endpoints

  • POST /v1/category: Create a new category.
  • GET /v1/category: Retrieve all categories.
  • GET /v1/category/{id}: Retrieve a specific category by ID.
  • PUT /v1/category/{id}: Update a specific category by ID.
  • DELETE /v1/category/{id}: Delete a specific category by ID.

House Endpoints

  • POST /v1/house: Create a new house listing.
  • GET /v1/house: Retrieve all house listings.
  • GET /v1/house/{id}: Retrieve a specific house listing by ID.
  • PUT /v1/house/{id}: Update a specific house listing by ID.
  • DELETE /v1/house/{id}: Delete a specific house listing by ID.

Contact Endpoints

  • POST /v1/contact: Create a new contact entry.
  • GET /v1/contact: Retrieve all contact entries.
  • GET /v1/contact/{id}: Retrieve a specific contact entry by ID.
  • PUT /v1/contact/{id}: Update a specific contact entry by ID.
  • DELETE /v1/contact/{id}: Delete a specific contact entry by ID.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.