Tutorial №2

In this tutorial we will cover Solving problems on FIFO, LIFO, lists.

Simple project structure

The main idea about project structure is that you have at least 2 folders include and src. Folders purpose is:

  • include - PUBLIC header files (.h files).
  • src - PRIVATE source files (.h and .m files).
  • test - tests files if you write tests (indefinitely you should).
  • libs - third party or your own libraries you depend on.
 ├── include
 │   └── MyProject
 │       └── Algorithm.h
 ├── src
 │   ├── Algorithm.cpp
 │   ├── FancyMath.h
 │   └── FancyMath.cpp
 └── test
     ├── AlgorithmTests.cpp
     └── FancyMathTests.cpp