
C++20 ~~Template~~ Meta-Programming library

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MP - Template Meta-Programming





API (https://godbolt.org/z/nWWxYqzdG)

// mp::meta
static_assert(mp::meta<int> == mp::meta<int>);
static_assert(mp::meta<int> != mp::meta<void>);
static_assert(typeid(mp::meta<int>) == typeid(mp::meta<void>));

// mp::type_of
constexpr mp::info meta = mp::meta<int>;
mp::type_of<meta> i{}; // same as int i{};
mp::type_of<mp::meta<bool>> b = true; // same as bool b = true;

// mp::apply
template<class...> struct type_list{ };
static_assert(typeid(type_list<int>) == typeid(mp::apply_t<type_list, std::array{meta}>>);

// mp::invoke
static_assert(not mp::invoke<std::is_const>(meta));
static_assert(std::is_same_v<const int, mp::type_of<mp::invoke<std::add_const>(meta)>>);

int main() {
  // mp::for_each
  constexpr auto v = mp::vector{meta};
  mp::for_each<v>([&]<mp::info meta>{ /* ... */ });

// and more (see API)...


Hello World (https://godbolt.org/z/69jGzqPs1)

template<size_t N, class... Ts>
using at_c = mp::type_of<std::array{mp::meta<Ts>...}[N]>;

static_assert(std::is_same_v<int, at_c<0, int, bool, float>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<bool, at_c<1, int, bool, float>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<float, at_c<2, int, bool, float>>);

STL (https://godbolt.org/z/aPP6Y995E)

template<class... Ts>
constexpr auto stl() {
  std::array v{mp::meta<Ts>...};
  std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), [](auto lhs, auto rhs) {
    return size_of(lhs) < size_of(rhs);
  return v;

  std::variant<char[1], char[2], char[3]>,
  mp::apply_t<std::variant, stl<char[2], char[1], char[3]>()>

Ranges (https://godbolt.org/z/6dnroa9We)

template<class... Ts>
constexpr mp::vector ranges =
  | std::views::drop(1)
  | std::views::reverse
  | std::views::filter([](auto m) { return mp::invoke<std::is_integral>(m); })
  | std::views::transform([](auto m) { return mp::invoke<std::add_const>(m); })
  | std::views::take(2)

  std::variant<const int, const short>,
  mp::apply_t<std::variant, ranges<double, void, const short, int>>

Reflection - https://github.com/boost-ext/reflect (https://godbolt.org/z/ds3KMGhqP)

struct foo {
  int a;
  bool b;
  float c;

constexpr foo f{.a = 42, .b = true, .c = 3.2f};

constexpr mp::vector v = reflexpr(f)
  | std::views::filter([&](auto meta) { return member_name(meta, f) != "b"; })

static_assert(std::tuple{42, 3.2f} == unreflexpr<std::tuple, v>(f));

Run-time testing/debugging (https://godbolt.org/z/4cP5cPbe4)

template<class... Ts>
constexpr auto reverse() {
  std::array v{mp::meta<Ts>...};
  std::array<mp::info, sizeof...(Ts)> r;
  for (auto i = 0u; i < v.size(); ++i) { r[i] = v[v.size()-i-1]; }
  return r;

int main() {
    std::array{mp::meta<float>, mp::meta<double>, mp::meta<int>}
    reverse<int, double, float>()

    std::array{mp::meta<float>, mp::meta<double>, mp::meta<int>}
    reverse<int, double, float>()


 * Meta info type
enum class info : size_t { };
 * Creates meta type
 * @code
 * static_assert(meta<void> == meta<void>);
 * static_assert(meta<void> != meta<int>);
 * @endcode
template<class T> inline constexpr info meta = /* unspecified */;
 * Returns underlying type from meta type
 * @code
 * static_assert(typeid(type_of<meta<void>>) == typeid(void));
 * @endcode
template<info meta> using type_of = /* unspecified */;
 * Applies invocable `[] { return vector<info>{...}; }` to
 *                   `T<type_of<info>...>`
 * @code
 * static_assert(typeid(variant<int>) ==
 *               typeid(apply<variant>([] { return vector{meta<int>}; })));
 * @endcode
template<template<class...> class T, class Expr>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto apply(Expr expr);
 * Applies vector V to `T<type_of<info>...>`
 * @code
 * static_assert(typeid(variant<int>) ==
 *               typeid(apply<variant, vector{meta<int>}>));
 * @endcode
template<template<class...> class T, auto V>
inline constexpr auto apply_v = decltype(apply<T, [] { return V; }>);
 * Applies vector V to `T<type_of<info>...>`
 * @code
 * static_assert(typeid(variant<int>) ==
 *               typeid(apply_t<variant, [] { return vector{meta<int>}; }>));
 * @endcode
template<template<class...> class T, auto V>
using apply_t = decltype(apply_v<T, V>);
 * Invokes function with compile-time info based on run-time info
 * @code
 * info i = meta<conts int>; // run-time
 * static_assert(invoke([]<info m> { return std::is_const_v<type_of<m>>; }, i));
 * @endcode
constexpr auto invoke(auto fn, info meta);
 * Iterates over all elements of constexpr continer
 * @code
 * constexpr vector v{meta<int>};
 * for_each<v>([]<info m> {
 *   static_assert(typeid(int) == typeid(type_of<m>));
 * });
 * @endcode
template<auto V>
constexpr void for_each(auto fn);


#define MP 2'0'2 // Current library version (SemVer)




  • What does it mean that mp tests itself upon include?

    mp runs all tests (via static_asserts) upon include. If the include compiled it means all tests are passing and the library works correctly on given compiler, enviornment.

  • How to disable running tests at compile-time?

    When -DNTEST is defined static_asserts tests won't be executed upon include. Note: Use with caution as disabling tests means that there are no gurantees upon include that given compiler/env combination works as expected.

  • How mp compares to Reflection for C++26 (https://wg21.link/P2996)?

    mp meta-programming model is very simpilar to P2996 and it's based on type erased info object and meta-functions. mp also supports all C++ standard library and since verion 2.0.0+ mp type names have been adopted to closer reflect the reflection proposal.

    P2996 (C++26*) mp (C++20)
    ^T meta<T>
    typename [: T :] type_of<T>
    template for (https://wg21.link/p1306) for_each
    substitute apply
    value_of<R>(reflect_invoke(^fn, {substitute(^meta, {reflect_value(m)})})) invoke(fn, m)
  • How to integrate with CMake/CPM?

      Name mp
      GITHUB_REPOSITORY boost-ext/mp
      GIT_TAG v2.0.2
    add_library(mp INTERFACE)
    target_include_directories(mp SYSTEM INTERFACE ${mp_SOURCE_DIR})
    add_library(mp::mp ALIAS mp)
    target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} mp::mp);
  • Similar projects?

    boost.mp11, boost.hana, boost.mpl