
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Employee Mongoose Data

Employee Schema

    eno: Number,
    ename: String,
    salary: Number,
    dept: {
        deptno: Number,
        deptname: String,
        deptloc: String
    designation: String,
    manager: {
        mgrno: Number,
        mgrname: String,
    project: [
            projname: String,
            projhr: Number,

Pre Requisites

  • MongoDB must be configured locally i.e mongod must be in running state.
  • Node.js must be installed

What this code does?

  • It automatically creates a Database named company. If you want to change Database name then edit dbname variable in index.js file.
  • It creates a collection named employee.
  • It inserts 25 documents in the collection. If you want to increase or decrease number of documents then edit docNum variable in index.js file.

Follow these Steps to Fill MongoDB with Employee data

  • Fetch latest source code from master branch.
khushal-ag@arch:~$ git clone https://github.com/Khushal-ag/Employee
khushal-ag@arch:~$ cd Employee
  • Run the app with VS Code or with the command line:
khushal-ag@arch:~/Employee$  npm i
khushal-ag@arch:~/Employee$  node index.js