
Project Resources :- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/195zor94lF8n8zZ0wvW-Iq0RgidHqnJZQ?usp=share_link

Primary LanguageEJSGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


🏨A hotel review website that allows users to find hotels and leave reviews📝 for them.

🔁In return user get rewarded 🪙 for their valuable reviews✅.

⚙️Dependencies Used

@mapbox/mapbox-sdk ^0.15.0
cloudinary: ^1.36.1
passport: ^0.6.0
multer: ^1.4.5-lts.1
express: ^4.18.2
mongoose: ^6.9.2
path: ^0.12.7
joi: ^17.9.1
ejs: ^3.1.9
sanitize-html: ^2.10.0
express-mongo-sanitize: ^2.2.0

📂Directory Structure

🔽Click to Expand

|-- README.md
|-- app.js
|-- cloudinary
|   `-- index.js
|-- controllers
|   |-- hotels.js
|   |-- reviews.js
|   |-- shop.js
|   `-- users.js
|-- models
|   |-- hotel.js
|   |-- review.js
|   `-- user.js
|-- package.json
|-- public
|   |-- assets
|   |   |-- coin.png
|   |   |-- gradient.jpg
|   |   |-- products
|   |   |   |-- amazon500.png
|   |   |   |-- flipkart.png
|   |   |   |-- h&m.png
|   |   |   |-- myntra.jpeg
|   |   |   |-- nike.png
|   |   |   `-- starbucks.png
|   |   |-- triphive-black.png
|   |   |-- triphive-favicon.png
|   |   |-- triphive-img.png
|   |   `-- triphive.png
|   |-- javascripts
|   |   |-- clusterMap.js
|   |   |-- showMap.js
|   |   `-- validateForm.js
|   `-- stylesheets
|       |-- home.css
|       |-- map.css
|       |-- nav.css
|       |-- pageNotFound.css
|       |-- shop.css
|       `-- stars.css
|-- routes
|   |-- hotelRoutes.js
|   |-- reviewRoutes.js
|   |-- shopRoutes.js
|   `-- userRoutes.js
|-- schemas.js
|-- utils
|   |-- catchAsync.js
|   |-- expressError.js
|   `-- middlewares.js
|-- views
|   |-- error.ejs
|   |-- home.ejs
|   |-- hotel
|   |   |-- edit.ejs
|   |   |-- index.ejs
|   |   |-- new.ejs
|   |   `-- show.ejs
|   |-- layouts
|   |   `-- boilerplate.ejs
|   |-- pageNotFound.ejs
|   |-- partials
|   |   |-- flash.ejs
|   |   |-- footer.ejs
|   |   |-- navbar.ejs
|   |   `-- stars.ejs
|   |-- shop
|   |   `-- index.ejs
|   `-- user
|       |-- login.ejs
|       `-- register.ejs
`-- yarn.lock

🛠️Building from Source

  • ⬇️Fetch latest source code from master branch.
[khushal@arch]$ git clone https://github.com/Khushal-ag/Tripify.git
[khushal@arch]$ cd Tripify
  • 👌Create .env file & add your own CONFIGS
SESSION_SECRET = <Your_session_secret>
MONGO_URI = <Your_database_url>
PORT = <Port_number>

CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME = <Your_cloud_name>
CLOUDINARY_API_KEY = <Your_api_key>

MAPBOX_TOKEN = <Your_Mapbox_Token>
  • 👟Run the Website with 🆚Code or 💻Command Line :
[khushal@arch Tripify]$ yarn
[khushal@arch Tripify]$ yarn start


Note: It may take up to 24h for the contrib.rocks plugin to update because it's refreshed once a day.