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Masked Emotions

Problem Statement

In a world where mental and physical abuse often goes unreported, the need for a platform that enables individuals to share their experiences anonymously has become increasingly evident. The Masked Emotions Community project aims to create a safe and supportive environment for individuals to anonymously report cases of mental and physical abuse within their local community.

Our Solution

  • A platform to pen down your emotions.
  • Collecting enough data of various abuses.
  • Analyzing, categorizing data for valuable insights and providing professional assistance.
  • Working in sync with NGO’s and Government Org’s for legal preventive actions.

Real Life Example

  • Due to the societal stigma associated with male victims of domestic violence, many men choose to suffer in silence. This underreporting contributes to the lack of visibility of male victims or victims of any community.

📸 Screen Shots

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📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

👤 Author

This application was developed by

☢️ Contributors

Note: It may take up to 24h for the plugin to update because it's refreshed once a day.