TON NFT Challenge

Task 1: Create an NFT Collection from the GitHub Repository

Steps: Access the GitHub Repository: Locate the NFT-contract GitHub repository provided to you. Clone or download the repository to your local development environment. Compile the Smart Contract: Use the provided tools or relevant blockchain development platforms to compile the smart contract. Ensure that there are no compilation errors.

Task 2: Deploy the NFT Collection to the Testnet

Steps: Select Deployment Environment: Choose a suitable deployment environment, such as Nujan IDE or Blueprint, to deploy the smart contract on the Testnet. Deploy the Smart Contract: Utilize the selected deployment environment to deploy the smart contract. Confirm the successful deployment on the Testnet. Testing: Perform thorough testing to ensure that the smart contract operates as expected. Verify that NFTs can be minted, transferred, and have the specified attributes.

Task 3: Mint NFTs from Images Captured During the Hackathon

Steps: Capture Images: During the hackathon, take pictures or create digital artwork that you intend to turn into NFTs. Ensure that these images align with the configured attributes in your smart contract. Mint NFTs: Use the deployed smart contract's minting function to create NFTs from the images captured during the hackathon. Record and store the metadata associated with each NFT.

Task 4: Verify Minted NFTs on Getgems Testnet

Steps: Access Getgems Testnet: Familiarize yourself with the Getgems Testnet platform. You may need to create an account or follow specific steps to access it. Verify NFTs: Use the Getgems Testnet to confirm the presence of your minted NFTs. Ensure that they are registered and can be viewed.

Task 5: Create a Simple UI

Steps: Design the UI: Create a design for your UI that allows users to interact with the NFTs. Ensure the interface is visually appealing and easy to navigate. Frontend Development: Build the user interface using web development technologies, incorporating features such as displaying NFTs, their metadata, and a method to verify them on the Getgems Testnet. Integrate with the Smart Contract: Connect your UI to the deployed smart contract to fetch NFT data, enabling actions like viewing NFTs and verifying their presence on the Getgems Testnet.

Evaluation Criteria Projects will be evaluated based on the following criteria: Functionality: Does the NFT collection smart contract work as intended? Are NFTs minted successfully, and can they be transferred? Creativity: How unique and innovative is the NFT collection's theme and concept? UI Design: Is the user interface visually appealing and user-friendly? Integration: How well does the UI interact with the smart contracts, and is the NFT collection easily accessible to users? Technical Proficiency: Are the smart contracts well-written? Is the Testnet deployment successful? Presentation: How effectively do the participants present their project and explain its features and purpose?