SQL for Data Analysis

E-Learning Platform Database Management System Welcome to the "SQL for Data Analysis" repository! This project focuses on the database management system for an E-Learning platform, providing SQL scripts and documentation in PDF format to facilitate data analysis.

Overview Explore the PDF document (elearning_database_documentation.pdf) in this repository for a comprehensive guide on the database schema, SQL queries, and analysis for our E-Learning platform.


Documentation: elearning_database_documentation.pdf: PDF document containing detailed information on the E-Learning platform's database schema, SQL queries, and analysis.

Usage Reviewing Documentation: Open elearning_database_documentation.pdf to understand the database schema, relationships, and sample queries.

Database Interaction: Use the SQL queries provided in the documentation to interact with the database.

Acknowledgments The database design is inspired by common features found in E-Learning platforms. SQL queries are tailored to showcase analysis relevant to an online education system.

Contact For any inquiries or feedback, please feel free to contact me via email at [khushijb11@gmail.com].

Happy SQL querying! 📚💻