
This capstone project is a case study as part of my Google Data Analytics Professional certification by Coursera. In this project I performed the tasks of a junior data analyst for a fictional company called 'Cyclistic'


This capstone project is a case study as part of my Google Data Analytics Professional certification by Coursera. In this project I performed the tasks of a junior data analyst for a fictional bike-share company called 'Cyclistic' to help them succeed in their business. This is the R-markdown file of the project. To view the code outputs along with visualizations you can visit the published report of the same at https://www.rpubs.com/K_pubs/cyclistic

Tech Stack:

IDE: R-studio

Packages: tidyverse, lubridate, dplyr, ggplot2, ggmap

Report Published on: Rpubs by Rstudio

Data Source:



Motivate International Inc. https://ride.divvybikes.com/data-license-agreement


RStudio, Medium, Linkedin and Kaggle community.

For ggmap- http://journal.r-project.org/archive/2013-1/kahle-wickham.pdf, https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ggmap/citation.html

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