
Project made in Hackathon 'Tic-Tach-Toe 2018'

Primary LanguageJavaScript


PDF reading is one of the most boring task. This web app makes learning fun with converting PDF into video of images relevant to PDF content and also integrating subtitles and text to speech.

This is the front end app. Link to the backend app : https://github.com/DhruvThakker/Walter_Backend

We are using following Tools and libraries

Front End : React, a JavaScript library and Redux as state management tool
Database : Firebase, AWS for PDF and Videos
Backend APIs : Flask
Python libraries : For Text to speech : gtts, PDF to text : pdfminer, Video synthesis : moviepy, Recommendation : Scikitlearn, Gensim : To find import keyword in given Text.


yarn and yarn start

Click Here to see Video of Walter.