Healthcare Appointment Scheduling Platform

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Healthy: Healthcare Appointment Scheduling Platform

Healthy is a healthcare and wellness appointment scheduling platform designed to handle the complexities of treatment schedules, provider availability, and patient reminders. Patient records are securely stored in a private Amazon S3 bucket to ensure data security. The platform includes separate logins for users and providers, offering a comprehensive solution for healthcare appointment management.

Tech Stack

Client: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Server: Node.js, Express

Connectivity with S3 Bucket: AWS SDK,
Express Middleware: Multer ,Multer-S3


  • User and Provider Logins: Two separate logins for users and healthcare providers.
  • Secure Patient Records: Patient records are stored in a private Amazon S3 bucket to ensure data security.
  • Appointment Scheduler: A scheduler runs every hour to manage appointment schedules efficiently.
  • Lambda Function for Reminders: A Lambda function integrated with Amazon SNS sends appointment reminder emails to users.

UI/UX Features

  • Light/dark mode toggle
  • Live previews
  • Fullscreen mode
  • Cross platform



Team Members

  • Roshni Joshi
  • Shubhi Paul
  • Arohi Mishra
  • khyati Khurana