
Utilization of the National Park Service API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


DeepScan Status

DeepScan grade


The Parklopedia project assists the public with accessing National Parks information provided by the National Parks Service through their publicly available API (all API information will be linked below in the section titled 'API Information').

Parklopedia currently utilizes the National Park Service API to provide information and media, as well as a weather API to access current and future weather forecasts for a particular park using the Latitude and Longitude provided by the NPS.

API Information

To use Parklopedia, you'll need two separate API keys:

Creating config.js

To create a config.js file to store your API keys. Follow these steps:

  1. Open a new file in /public/javascripts and name it config.js.

  2. Copy and paste the following code into config.js:

//National Parks APIKEY
export const apiKey = 'national_parks_api_key';

//Weather API APIKEY
export const weatherApiKey = 'weather_api_key';
  1. Replace 'national_parks_api_key' and 'weather_api_key' with your actual API keys.
  • Note: For the team grading projects you will find the information you need to put into config.js attached to the project submission form.
  1. Save the config.js file (Ctrl + S) to ensure the changes are recognized by your code editor.

Run Locally

  1. Clone the project repository to your local environment:
  git clone https://link-to-project
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
  cd Parklopedia
  1. If you would like to examine the files using Visual Studio Code, open the project by running:
code .
  • Note: If you are not using VScode please follow the instructions specific to your code editor for opening existing projects.
  1. Be sure to install the packages that are necessary to run Parklopedia. This can be done using:
npm install
  1. Once those install you can get it up and running using:
npm start
  • Note: You will likely get a pop-up asking for permissions and allowing access, you will need to allow access to run the project.
  1. Open your browser and navigate to 'localhost:3000, the landing page for Parklopedia will load.


Parklopedia exceeds the recommended requirements for a capstone project. Below you will find a detailed list on what requirements it meets from the project outline document, as well as how it meets said requirements.

  • Note: For many of the requirements Parklopedia uses the particular skill in multiple areas, for the sake of brevity I have only listed one or two examples for each.

Use arrays, object, sets, or maps to store and retrieve information that is displayed in your app.

  • Parklopedia utilizes arrays for storing and retrieving data. For instance, it maintains an array of objects representing parks, populated with data fetched from the National Park Service API.

Analyze data that is stored in arrays, objects, sets or maps and display information about it in your app.

  • The alerts section of the parkinfo page is color coded based on severity. This is done by analyzing the JSON that was returned, and changing the color accordingly.
  • The data that is stored in both the Park arrays, the objects that are a part of the Park arrays, and the slideshow array are all displayed in different parts of the application.

Retrieve data from a third-party API and use it to display something within your app.

  • As explained above, currently two third-party APIs are in use.

Implement modern interactive UI features (e.g. table/data sorting, autocomplete, drag-and-drop, calendar-date-picker, etc).

  • On the search page, the input into the search field is parsed in order to provide suggestions that autofill when clicked. This also allows the search to provide more accurate results as typos and input errors are corrected.

Analyze text and display useful information about it. (e.g. word/character count in an input field)

  • The text input on the search page is analyzed to see if it matches any of the approved search options (U.S. States). If no State is selected, the search box will provide the user with a reminder of the instructions and not allow the search to submit.

Calculate and display data based on an external factor (ex: get the current date, and display how many days remaining until some event).

  • The alerts section of the parkinformation page only displays alerts that have been released in the last 3 months. It does this by taking the current date, as well as the date that the alert was created by the NPS, and calculating how many days it has been.

Create a node.js web server using a modern framework such as Express.js or Fastify. Serve at least one route that your app uses (must serve more than just the index.html file)

  • All pages and routes are served with Express.js, at the time of writing this there are four different routes.