
Analyze sales trends over time, discover peak days, and identify top-selling products driving business revenue. Perfect for EDA enthusiasts and coffee connoisseurs. ☕📈

Primary LanguagePython

Sales Analysis Template-EDA

Creating a template for Basic EDA on any datasets. Here we demonstrate a simple EDA on a coffee shop data.

Analyze sales trends over time, discover peak days, and identify top-selling products driving business revenue. Perfect for EDA enthusiasts and coffee connoisseurs. ☕📈 #CoffeeSales #DataAnalysis #EDA

Analysis & Visualizations

  • Discovering transaction_date column
  • Extract some information such as year , month and day
  • Transaction in each month
  • Transaction in each day of week
  • Transaction in each hour
  • Sales over different Transaction Quantities
  • Sales in Each Store
  • Most Common Category
  • Most Common Product in Each Category
  • Category VS Total revenue

Visualizition Analysis

Image 1 A bar plot focusing on the Transactions over months.

Image 2 A bar plot focusing on the Transactions over days of week.

Image 3 A bar plot focusing on the Transactions over hours. Most sales were from 7 AM to 11 AM

Image 4 A bar plot focusing on the sales over transaction quantities. Most sales were singles followed by 2 lots

Image 5 A pie plot focusing on the sales for each store. The sales rates of the three stores were similar, with the most significant difference observed at the Hell's Kitchen store

Image 6 A bar plot focusing on the most common products. Coffee stands as the best-selling product. Tea also exhibits a high sales rate.

Image 7

Image 8 A bar plot focusing on the most common products. Coffee stands as the best-selling product. Tea also exhibits a high sales rate.

Top Revenue Product Types :

  • Barista Espresso with a revenue of 91,406.20
  • Brewed Chai tea with a revenue of 77,081.95
  • Hot chocolate with a revenue of 72,416.00
  • Gourmet brewed coffee with a revenue of 70,034.60
  • Brewed Black tea with a revenue of 47,932.00

Lowest Revenue Product Types :

  • Organic Chocolate with a revenue of 1,679.60
  • Green tea with a revenue of 1,470.75
  • Green beans with a revenue of 1,340.00

Other Observations :

  • Various products contribute to revenue across different ranges, with a mix of beverages (like teas, coffees) and snacks (biscotti, pastries).
  • Coffee-related products, such as various brews and espresso variants, hold prominent positions in revenue generation.
  • The lowest revenue-generating products are predominantly related to tea and specific beverage variants.