This is an application that allows user to send parcel online
- Check the requirements.txt on the root folder see all the required modules
- Install the requirements using pip install -r requirements.txt
- Copy this repo
- Open your terminal or CMD
- cd to the root of this directory
- If you have a virtual enviroment activate
- If you dont have one istall the virtual enviroment
- use the command
export FLASK_ENV=production
to set your enviroment
- use the command
flask run
to start your application
8 if on localhost the app will run on
- @Client 😃 The app is now up and running
- cd to the root of the project
- activate the virtual enviroment
- use
to test
- To check the coverage use
pytest --cov=app/
to see the coverage of the app
How to test using postman
- Open the link below (Postman)
- On postman you will see the required fields
- Also you will see the endpoints
- Presss send for each endpoint amd wait for response