
The AstroWebService is a simple webservice allowing consumers to get planets and cusps positions. The AstroAPI uses Swiss Ephemeris.

Primary LanguageJava


The AstroWebService is a simple webservice allowing consumers to get planets and cusps positions. The AstroAPI uses Swiss Ephemeris.

Version: 2.0.0


GNU public version 3



Deploy astroAPI.jar to Maven local repository

mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=cz.kibo.api -DartifactId=astrologyAPI -Dversion=1.0.0 -Durl=file:./localMavenRepo/ -DrepositoryId=localMavenRepo -DupdateReleaseInfo=true -Dfile=astroAPI-1.0.0.jar


To see the application in action, run the cz.kibo.astrology.service.Bootstrap program using your IDE.



  1. mvn clean package -Pjar
  2. java -jar target/webservice.jar (The application will start the embedded Jetty server at http://localhost:8080)


  1. mvn clean package -Pwar
  2. Deploy to your own Java container (Jetty, Tomcat, GlassFish, ...)

OpenShift v3

  1. mvn clean package -Popenshift
  2. Deploy to Red Hat JBoss Web Server
  3. Create Persisten Volume for Ephemeris data files.
  4. Copy ephemeris data to mounted folder.
$ oc login ( use Copy Login Command from web )
Create project webservice from web
$ oc project webservice
$ oc new-build --binary=true --name=webservice --image-stream=jboss-webserver30-tomcat8-openshift:1.2
$ oc start-build webservice --from-dir=./target --follow
$ oc new-app webservice
$ oc get svc -o name
$ oc expose svc/webservice
Create Persisten Volume for Ephemeris data files
Mount: /data

$ oc rsync /data/ephemeris devpod1234:/data

Live demo