
N Body Simulator: A Flutter application for instructional use

Primary LanguageDart


Simulator: A Flutter simulation of the N-Body problem for instructional use

This application does a numerical simulation of the N-Body problem from astronomy. It sits nicely at the intersection of computer science, numerical analysis, physics and astronomy, with a dash of software engineering. Hopefully, it shows that Flutter is a good vechicle for playing around with ideas in a highly graphical way, with an example that has almost no UI.

The repository is tagged with release numbers, so that incremental development can be simulated in a classroom setting or a presentation. git checkout v7, for example, lets you see the seventh version of this highly incrementally-developed simulation. git checkout main positions you to the latest version.

A public webpage is available at https://billf-pshs.github.io/n_body/, and you can run the web version at https://billf-pshs.github.io/n_body/.