
Cellular automata exploration.

Primary LanguagePython

Cellular automata exploration

Automaton 1 - Purple Chaos (with sound)

Multi-state automaton with extended Moore neighbourhood. Rules were constructed on the fly, so nothing fancy comes up.

Automaton 2 - Game of Life

Classical Conway's rules, i.e.

  • If cell is dead and has exactly three neighbors then it will be alive in the next generation.
  • If cell is alive and has less than two or more than three neighbors then it will die.
  • Otherwise cell doesn't change its state.

More information can be found on Wikipedia.

Automaton 3 - Langton's Ant

Another famous chaotic system. Langton's ant performes random walk on a two-dimensional lattice that is initially empty. Each cell changes its state after the ant's visit (form 0 to 1 and vice versa). Read more on Wikipedia.

Automaton 4 - Forest-fire Model

Three-state system with two parameters (probability of spontaneous ignition and probability of filling empty cell with a tree). More information can be found on Wikipedia.