Clone of OGNL.Net project from Sourceforge (
Pre Alpha build 3, 10/25/2005
- Add Enum type convert code, see OgnlOps.cs
- Add Enum test case, see EnumTest.cs
Pre Alpha build 2
- Convert documentaion into C# style, not complete yet, but it's not important, is'nt it?
- Support typeConvert during call to Indexer.
- Add codes support Indexer(multipile index parameters). It confilts with expression sequence in indexAccessor: [exp , exp2 , exp3]. Sequence in indexer will not be treat as a sequence.
- Bug Fixed: char can't convert into double/float/decimal.
- Add codes support Indexer with 1 parameter, but it conflits with ognl property access with indexAccess(["PropertyName"])
- Fix some Test expression in TestCases.
- Add RunTestSuite test method to run TestSuite in NUnit.
- Rewrite TypeConvertor (delegate to OgnlOps.cs) using Convert.
- Remove BigInteger, and replace BigDecimal with decimal.
- Remove ObjectIndexerProperty, use Indexer Property instead.
- Remove MemberAccess code.
- or IEnumerator.nextElement will call MoveNext () first to aviod Exception.
- Replace Collection type as following: Map -> IDictionary Collection -> ICollection Set -> ICollection List -> IList Iterator -> IEnumerator Eumneration -> IEnumerator
- Rewrite PropertyDiscriptor using PropertyInfo.
- JavaBean Property Name's first character is Cap. e.g, getName () map to property "Name", not "name" in java.
- Rewrite SET_PREFIX & GET_PREFIX so that include "Get" & "Set" in C# style.
- Convert reflaction code.
- Copy and convert ognl.2.6.7 java cocde into C#
- Copy and convert parser code into C#
- Generate parser code using Javacc & jtree