
My implementation of some tasks for Data Structures and Algorithms Course

Primary LanguageJava

Data structures



LeetCode problems

Problem Solution Runtime Runtime beats Memory Memory beats
9. Palindrome Number solution 9 ms 97.95% 41.7 MB 89.19%
69. Sqrt(x) solution 1 ms 100% 39.7 MB 84.63%
88. Merge Sorted Array solution 0 ms 100% 41.9 MB 97.13%
94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal solution 0 ms 100% 40.4 MB 88.19%
100. Same Tree solution 0 ms 100% 41.6 MB 44.96%
104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree solution 0 ms 100% 43 MB 50.40%
111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree solution 11 ms 60.48% 62.9 MB 77.76%
141. Linked List Cycle solution 0 ms 100% 43.6 MB 85.73%
144. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal solution 1 ms 44.14% 42.5 MB 28.42%
145. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal solution 1 ms 43.66% 42.6 MB 18.54%
147. Insertion Sort List solution 28 ms 27.96% 44.8 MB 42.39%
169. Majority Element solution 6 ms 66.86% 47.4 MB 79.67%
206. Reverse Linked List solution 0 ms 100% 42.2 MB 81.24%
268. Missing Number solution 1 ms 87.5% 50.8 MB 68.97%
350. Intersection of Two Arrays II solution 3 ms 81.89% 42.3 MB 92.56%
451. Sort Characters By Frequency solution 34 ms 52.93% 49.3 MB 41.28%
506. Relative Ranks solution 10 ms 83.3% 43.6 MB 82.70%
876. Middle of the Linked List solution 0 ms 100% 41.7 MB 42.16%
888. Fair Candy Swap solution 553 ms 9.51% 43.9 MB 92.91%
1929. Concatenation of Array solution 2 ms 69.59% 50.1 MB 39.16%