Full-Stack Developer with exceptional skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Redux & Ruby. Looking for my next job!
Nairobi, Kenya
Pinned Repositories
This web app is meant to display the details concerning aircrafts. A user can serach any particular aircraft by manufacturer to display aircraft details.
This is my first web app created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Webpack and jest libarary tools are applied in this project to achieve a specific purpose
This is my special readme file that contains information about me (my contact information, bio, my experience, and my stats)
⚛️ Math Magicians is a website for all fans of mathematics. This Single Page App (SPA) that allows users make simple calculations and read a random math-related quote.
This is the first Capstone project meant to test HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills acquired in a five week period. More description about the project can be found in the README file
My Shop app is an app where users can compare prices of items, add items to cart before checkout.
Welcome to my portfolio! This project showcases my skills, projects, and journey as a developer. Explore my work, learn more about me, and get in touch to collaborate on exciting opportunities. Together, let's create something amazing! Built with HTML, CSS, and passion.
Rick & Morty app is an app that is meant to display a list of characters, their residents and other details relevant to them. The app makes use of Rick & Morty API to retrieve relevant data for the app
This Webapp is for a company that offers space travel services. It's built with React and Redux, using spaceX API to get the data
This is my second web app created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Webpack and jest libarary tools are applied in this project to achieve a specific purpose
Kidd254's Repositories
This is my second web app created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Webpack and jest libarary tools are applied in this project to achieve a specific purpose
This is my first web app created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Webpack and jest libarary tools are applied in this project to achieve a specific purpose
This is the first Capstone project meant to test HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills acquired in a five week period. More description about the project can be found in the README file
This is my special readme file that contains information about me (my contact information, bio, my experience, and my stats)
The project is meant to retrieve data from API and display it on the web. The Project also allows for additional data where a user can add their own data through the input fields to be displayed on the web.
OOP School library is an app that is meant to create objects for person, student, teacher and rentals and display them on commandline when prompted to do so
⚛️ Math Magicians is a website for all fans of mathematics. This Single Page App (SPA) that allows users make simple calculations and read a random math-related quote.
This is a webapp that makes use of api to display a list of shows. A user can search, like and comment on their favorite shows.
The project retrieves, and updates books by adding or removing books from API. The project also keeps track of reading progress.
The Metrics web app displays all countries when the page renders. A user can filter countries by continent name. A user can view details of each country by clicking any individual country.
This is my portfolio. The portfolio has different pages; home, projects, about myself, and contacts page. The home page contains information about social media presence, the projects page has information about my main projects as well as links to those projects. About myself has a short description about myself and a link to my resume.
This project is about creation of the schema and all the necessary queries for a database of a veterinary clinic using postgreSQL
The Blog App is a Ruby on Rails App that is meant to display a list of posts and users, display a list of users and their details, and display posts. With the role of an admin a user can delete comments and posts, but for a regular user they can only delete their posts and comments
This repository contains several JavaScript challenges with their solutions. the different challenges are in different unmerged branches. A clear description to aid in solving each challenge is given in the readme.
Welcome to my portfolio! This project showcases my skills, projects, and journey as a developer. Explore my work, learn more about me, and get in touch to collaborate on exciting opportunities. Together, let's create something amazing! Built with HTML, CSS, and passion.
This web app is meant to display the details concerning aircrafts. A user can serach any particular aircraft by manufacturer to display aircraft details.
My Shop app is an app where users can compare prices of items, add items to cart before checkout.
Rick & Morty app is an app that is meant to display a list of characters, their residents and other details relevant to them. The app makes use of Rick & Morty API to retrieve relevant data for the app
This Webapp is for a company that offers space travel services. It's built with React and Redux, using spaceX API to get the data
This template is meant for front end configuration for the sign up and log in pages. Redux is already set up to ensure one is off to a good start
This is a website for a charitable organization (Gracious Smiles Givers). The website displays details about the organization, events, and contact details
M-pesa is a common form of payment in Kenya. This api is meant to develop an STK push endpoint to prompt users to pay a specific amount of money depending on the cost of the item they intend to purchase
This is currently my official portfolio. The portfolio has different pages; home, resume, about, and contacts page. The home page contains information about social media presence, the works page has information about my main projects as well as links to those projects.
This Subscriptions api is build with rails and is meant sigup and login user, post selected packages to database, and trigger the M-pesa STK push to prompt payment from a user to pay for selected package(s).
This template is meant for back end. Devise and other neccesary configurations are already set up to ensure one is off and running.