AddWebs Exercise

Docker configuration for PHP app

docker-compose.yml - contains a docker compose configuration for Nginx, PGP, and MySql containers.

nginx - contains a configuration for nginx

You can find the deployed Application at

SSL configuration

Letsencrypt is used to configure ssl to the domain.


Prometheus is used to scrap metrics for docker containers.

cAdvisor is used for exporting the docker container data from our server

Grafana is used for visualizing and aleritg

Grafana dashboard id 1482 is used for a cAdvisor dashboard.

Email will be send on high memory usage of containers. A custom grafana.ini file is used for adding smtp server configuration for gmail.

Deployed Prometheus can be accesed at

Deployed Grafana can be accessed at

Navigating through the server

  • To ssh use the command ssh -i <ssh identitiy key> ubuntu@

  • Linux screen is used for different sessions.

screen -r prom will resume the session that is running promethus,cAdvisor and grafana

screen -r try will resume the session that is running php application


  • Add SSL for grafana and promethus console url.
  • Make PHP a dynamic app instad of static