Lab 1 Exercise

  1. Clone your forked repo into your local machine
  2. cd into the repo
  3. Create a development branch separate from master via git checkout -b dev
  4. Set up compiler configuration file tsconfig.json via tsc --init
  5. Enter command npm install --save @types/node to be able to use ES6 types in your function
  6. Code your algorithm for the given specifications in problem-a.ts
  7. Test your changes by compiling the .ts file via tsc ./exercise/problem-a.ts or tsc --watch ./exercise/problem-a.ts to auto-recompile on file save
  8. Run the script via node ./exercise/problem-a.ts and check if your code passes the given tests
  9. If your code passes the tests, add, commit, and push your code to dev.
  10. Create a pull request to merge your commits from dev into master (no need to complete the merge yourself)
  11. Submit the link to your pull request on Canvas under Lab 1 Exercise