


  • Flex containers are parents
  • flex items are children

Parent Properties

  • Flex-flow is a combination of flex-direction and flex-wrap. e.g. flex-flow: column wrap
  • flex-flow: row wrap is often what you would want for responsive design.
  • space-around puts space before and after each element. Thus first and last elements will have half the gap on either side than the other elements. The least popular option
  • space-between puts first and last elements onto edge of container and even space between rest of the elements. usually the better option.
  • space-evenly puts exactly the same amount of space between each element.
  • align-content: flex-start | flex=end | center | space-between etc We use these properties to adjust the distance between rows.

Children Properties

order: 2 you can use this property to determine order of box. -1 will move to start. 1 will move to the end. 0 is neutral.

flex-basis:30% basically says ‘how wide is this box…sort of’ cannot determine a hard value for width with this, but a close estimation. if you hard-code the width width:30% it will negate some of the benefits of flexwrap and the items will always be 30% width and not flex correctly. So, basically use flex-basis instead of width with flexbox