
A simple component build vith vanilla JS, HTML and CSS using a design brief provided by FrontendMentors.com.

Primary LanguageCSS

Frontend Mentor - Intro component with sign up form solution

This is a solution to the Intro component with sign up form challenge on Frontend Mentor

You can view the live site here.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
  • Receive an error message when the form is submitted if:
    • Any input field is empty. The message for this error should say "[Field Name] cannot be empty"
    • The email address is not formatted correctly (i.e. a correct email address should have this structure: name@host.tld). The message for this error should say "Looks like this is not an email"



My process

Built with

  • JavaScript
  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • Mobile first workflow

What I learned

What I learned

  • I used vanilla JS for this challenge. I enjoyed mixing a codewars style challenge with CSS and HTML. Using the three at random to achieve the desired effects felt like a dance and was very fun. It was a very rewarding challenge as I feel it helped me to cement some more of the JS fundamentals

  • I expanded on the design brief a bit by adding js to let the user know if their input was accepted as well as rejected. I added a green border box and message to display this as well as the red error messages assigned in the brief.

  • I also added a ‘success’ message/popup that displayed once the user had inputted the form correctly. the message tells the users that they can begin their free trial and invites them to open a link to explore the content (The link just takes the user to come cute dog pictures.)

  • I’m still learning JS and this is my first time using vanilla JS to validate a form. I have used form libraries like Formik in the past. I’m not sure if my solution is the most efficient or best practice. I look forward to seeing how others in the FEM community solved it.

  • I wasn't sure what to do with the values submitted to the form, the brief did not state this either. I assigned the values to and object and printed it to the console.

  • I was battling this error for a while ,‘Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘textContent’ of undefined’ , before I realised that I was looping through the inputs but I hadn't counted the submit button as an input in my planning. Stack Overflow saved the day as usual.

Continued development

As I continue along the path and learn more about Javascript I intend to revisit this challenge and see if I can refactor it to make it tighter and more efficient.

Useful resources

Stack Overflowww!
