At the moment, everything essential works except for account verification which can only be done with a proper website.
Please use XAMPP to run the MySQL server. It is recommended to run the whole query of struct.sql in order to make sure the system gets properly included.
Email handler still requires a dummy email and a website.
Client needs recoloring and possibly new UI images.
Server needs a ton of content, but is overall stable.
clienttest.bat is meant to open the TestingClient straight from the output folder!
obfuscator.bat is meant to open the obfuscator straight from the output folder!
The flash projector in the project is needed for both BAT files to work properly! Please don't move it.
Lunar - Class Specs
Astro - Class Specs
Proph - Pirate Cave Rework (need to finish) and tons of various bugfixes
Trav - Dogman Origins
Soren - Desert Depths Dungeon
Omni - Abyss of Demons Dungeon
SMike - Spider Den Behavior Rework
Versi - Unassigned...
Voool - Unassigned...
Triple-Ability System
"Active Danmaku" in Behaviors and Content
wServer optimizations
Client resize
Full function Chat Bot
Essential Behaviors
Leveling characters (system change)
Production character balance (and melee rework)
Item scaling and balance
Clientside Star Graphic "Ranks"
Guild Notifications
Guild Notifier not event notifier :P
Town NPC's
Gold gain rework and balancing
Fame gain performance algorithm
Dungeon Rescaling
Phoenix Minigames
Market influence system
Source by Kithio, Travoos, and a bunch of others who worked on it i forgot the list okay!?
readme written by Proph Nobster