
Show an HRM animation in a Fitbit clockface or app which pulses with the same frequency as the user's actual heart rate and stops when the watch is taken off

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Realistic heartrate animation for Fitbit SDK

Shows an HR animation in a Fitbit clockface or app which pulses with the same frequency as the user's actual heart rate and stops when the watch is taken off.


  1. Copy the file app/hrm.js to the app folder of your app or clockface.
  2. Copy the content of resources/index.gui to your own index.gui and adapt it to load the HR image of your choice and move it to the place on the screen you want.
  3. Copy the image file resources/stat_hr_solid_48px.png to your own resources folder (or use another image).
  4. Import the app/hrm.js file in your app/index.js with import * as hrm from "hrm";
  5. Call hrm.initialize() somewhere in your app/index.js


Other formats of the heart image to use can be found at https://github.com/Fitbit/sdk-design-assets/tree/master/icons Make sure to change the image filename in index.gui as well when you decide to use another one.

Battery impact

Only when the display is on the heartrate will be read and the animation will run. As soon as the display turns off all activity will stop and it will not have any effects on the battery life anymore.