
Library to get the data available via the K·pay merchant API and use it in an app or clockface (https://kiezelpay.com/api/merchant/documentation/)

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K·pay merchant API module for Fitbit OS

Library to get the data available via the K·pay merchant API and use it in an app or clockface.

Many thanks to Grégoire Sage for letting me use his awesome weather module as basis for this code!


Copy the common/kpay_merchant_api folder in your common folder


Create an index.js file in the companion folder if you don't already have one.
Add the following code in this file :

import KpayMerchantApi from '../common/kpay_merchant_api/phone';
let kpayMerchantApi = new KpayMerchantApi();

//replace this test API key with your own API key!


Add the following code in your app/index.js file

import KpayMerchantApi from '../common/kpay_merchant_api/device';
import { SUMMARY, TODAY, YESTERDAY } from '../common/kpay_merchant_api/common';

let kpayMerchantApi = new KpayMerchantApi();
kpayMerchantApi.setMaximumAge(30 * 60 * 1000);    //only get new data every 30 minutes

kpayMerchantApi.onsuccess = (type, data) => {
  let receivedData = undefined;
  if (type == SUMMARY) {
    receivedData = data[SUMMARY];
  if (type == TODAY) {
    receivedData = data[TODAY];
  if (type == YESTERDAY) {
    receivedData = data[YESTERDAY];
  if (receivedData) {
    console.log(type + ' data: ' + JSON.stringify(receivedData));

kpayMerchantApi.onerror = (error) => {
  console.log("KPay Merchant API error: " + error);

//either fetch only one specific data type you want

//OR fetch all the data you want at once
//kpayMerchantApi.fetchMultiple([SUMMARY, TODAY, YESTERDAY]);


  • setApiKey(string) : set your K·pay API key (companion only). You can get your personal key at https://kiezelpay.com/account/api. Default is ``
  • setMaximumAge(int) : set the maximum age in milliseconds of a possible cached sales data that is acceptable to return. Default is 15*60*1000 (15 minutes)
  • onsuccess(type, data) : set the event handler for when new sales data is available. The type can be SUMMARY, TODAY or YESTERDAY (import values from '/common/kpay_merchant_api/common.js')
  • onerror(error) : set the event handler for when an error occurs
  • fetchSummary(), fetchToday(), fetchYesterday() : retrieve one specific kind of data from the server
  • fetchMultiple([]) : retrieve multiple kinds of data from the server, accepts an array with any combination of the following values: SUMMARY, TODAY, YESTERDAY. The success event handler is called once for EACH of the types when that specific type's data arrives.
  • getSummary(), getToday(), getYesterday() : returns the last known api data. This can be useful to display the data when your app/face starts. The old data is automatically stored by the library and restored when the kpayMerchantApi object is created.

Example of results

  • Summary:
    "totalPurchases": 5074,
    "totalActiveTrials": 280,
    "totalIncome": 3653.28,
    "totalPaidOut": 2098.8,
    "currentBalance": 1554.48,
    "nextPayout": {
      "date": "2018-04-26",
      "amount": 1554.48,
      "purchases": {
        "total": 2159,
        "periodStart": "2018-03-16",
        "periodEnd": "2018-04-12"
    "previousPayout": {
      "date": "2018-03-29",
      "amount": 2058.48,
      "purchases": {
        "total": 2859,
        "periodStart": "2018-02-09",
        "periodEnd": "2018-03-15"
  • Today & Yesterday:
    "you": {
      "purchases": 70,
      "amount": 50.4
    "best": {
      "purchases": 61,
      "amount": 43.92

For more API documentation check out https://kiezelpay.com/api/merchant/documentation.