What is Computing Magic?

This repository is the beginning of a curriculum for learning Computing Magic.

/This repository is intended to be a gateway to a lot of important materials, linked by the documents here. If you explore these materials, please share your experience, through direct communication, by posting Issues, or etc. Please suggest improvements!/

Computing Magic is leveraging the power of computers and software to do with ease what would be hopelessly difficult in the real world. With Computing Magic we can design

  • Biological organisms
  • Fabulous machines
  • Interactive games
  • Whole new worlds!

We can explore our creations with Virtual Reality, share them with collaborators and increasingly we can use Automated Manufacturing (3D Printers, DNA sequencers, etc.) to materialize them in the physical world.

One key ingredient is what makes it magic: Instead of creating digital artifacts manually, e.g. using graphical user interfaces and/or editors, we make the computer do the hard work while we supply only high-level specifications. We say what we want and the computer figures out how to do it.

Many of the pioneers of computing were computing magicians, few of today’s programmers and users have learned those leet skills. This repository contains the beginning of a fast-path curriculum for learning Computing Magic!

All of the materials in this repository are in an early stage of development and if you’re curious you might want to check out:

We’ll be trying to keep the Computer Programming Languages which we use to a practical minimum.

Notes from the Alpha Course are in the file

The Beta Course is ongoing at Mars College!

You might also like some of the background material at