KiiChat is simple chat application using the KiiCloud.
This demo project helps you learn how to use the KiiCloud.
- Android Studio
##How to setup a project:
- Go to developer console and create account/ app.
- Replace APP_ID, APP_KEY, APP_SITE in ApplicationConst.java with yours created in step 1.
Please read this guide and Setup GCM for you app. Replace the SENDER_ID in ApplicationConst.java with yours.
In order to test push notification on emulater, please check following steps.
- Make sure you are using emulator targetted on Google API
- Add account on emulator as setting->account
Please read this guide and configure Facebook appID/ appSecret in developer console.
Please read this guide and replace AGGREGATION_RULE_ID in ApplicationConst.java with yours.
##Kii Features used:
- User Management
- Sign Up
- Sign In
- Integrating Facebook Account
- Group Management
- Creating Groups
- Adding Group Members
- Listing Groups
- Data Management
- Setting ACL to a Bucket
- Creating/Retrieving Objects
- Querying for Objects
- Uploading Object Bodies
- Downloading Object Bodies
- Receiving "Push to App" Notifications
- Push Notifications
- "Push to User" Notifications
- "Push to App" Notifications
- Analytics
- Event data analytics
##Support: If you have any questions, please feel free to ask at community.
APP Icon:
Free 3D Social Icons - By Aha-Soft
Creative Commons (Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported)
Chat bubble 9pach: