
KiiChat is a demo showing a WhatsApp like application powered by Kii Cloud

Primary LanguageJava

#KiiChat KiiChat is simple chat application using the KiiCloud.
This demo project helps you learn how to use the KiiCloud.


  • Android Studio

##How to setup a project:

  1. Go to developer console and create account/ app.
  2. Replace APP_ID, APP_KEY, APP_SITE in ApplicationConst.java with yours created in step 1.

Setup Push Notification

Please read this guide and Setup GCM for you app. Replace the SENDER_ID in ApplicationConst.java with yours.

In order to test push notification on emulater, please check following steps.

  1. Make sure you are using emulator targetted on Google API
  2. Add account on emulator as setting->account

Setup Facebook integration

Please read this guide and configure Facebook appID/ appSecret in developer console.

Setup Analytics

Please read this guide and replace AGGREGATION_RULE_ID in ApplicationConst.java with yours.

##Kii Features used:

  • User Management
    • Sign Up
    • Sign In
    • Integrating Facebook Account
  • Group Management
    • Creating Groups
    • Adding Group Members
    • Listing Groups
  • Data Management
    • Setting ACL to a Bucket
    • Creating/Retrieving Objects
    • Querying for Objects
    • Uploading Object Bodies
    • Downloading Object Bodies
    • Receiving "Push to App" Notifications
  • Push Notifications
    • "Push to User" Notifications
    • "Push to App" Notifications
  • Analytics
    • Event data analytics

##Support: If you have any questions, please feel free to ask at community.

##Resources: APP Icon:
Free 3D Social Icons - By Aha-Soft
Creative Commons (Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported)


Chat bubble 9pach:
