
Recipe Sharing Website

Primary LanguageJavaScript


First Full-stack Project!


Recipe Website


This is a recipe sharing website used for finding, interacting with, and utulizing recipes shared through a database I created. A user will be able to go to the app, create a profile, and create, delete, and update recipes as well as sharing and interacting with the data associated with it. Details below.

***Goals and Potential Ideas ***

This project will demonstrate my ability to utulize full CRUD from my own databases I create. The only databases utulized within this project will be from the user created profiles, or the user created recipes. People will not only be able to edit, delete, and create their own recipes, but they can edit, and create their own profiles! This nicely styled project pushes many boundaries of my knowledge and experience, and is a good reference point for understanding how to utulize mapping data from props, utulizing props through routes, performing HTTP operations, and conditionally rendering. Check it out! Objectives:

  • [Completed!] ERD Diagram for list of organizational hierchy of project
  • [Completed!] Functional Nav bar that alternates between seperate routes/pages
  • [Completed!] Utulizes API and maps a list of foods for the user to interact with
  • [Completed!] Login and profile information that is stored in backend mongoose databse for the specific user
  • [Completed!] Another database for user recipes that is mapped onto one page, and on another a form to fill out a put request to make new recipes
  • [Completed!] Professional styling, onClick and hover effects and neatly centered component
  • [Completed!] A way to score/review recipes that users interact with that is stored in a users profile (like a watch list)
  • [Completed!] [Potentially] a feature in the users profile that allows them to write and track progress on the site, and things they've cooked over a period of time


Landing Page


Register Your Account!


View Some Recipes


Edit Some Old Recipes...Or Create Your Own!


View Your Own Account


Edit Your Account...See the Best Recipes!


Leave a Like/Dislike on Recipes, Leave a Review!


All that and more...on Resist a Piece!