
Tool for testing JKS connections

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Tool for testing JKS connections

  • Copy JKS to build
  • Build container
  • Run container, pass variables to ENTRYPOINT


$ git pull https://github.com/kpark-tibcosoftware/jks-tester.git
$ cd jks-tester
$ nano Dockerfile

Add your JKS to the /usr/src/jks-tester directory

FROM openjdk:7

COPY src/ /usr/src/jks-tester
COPY [your-jks-file] /usr/src/jks-tester
WORKDIR /usr/src/jks-tester
RUN javac -cp .:commons-cli-1.3.1.jar Client.java
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-cp", ".:commons-cli-1.3.1.jar", "Client"]

Save and close. Build the image

$ docker build -t jks-tester .

Run as application

$ docker run jks-tester -u [target-url] -k [jks-filename] -p [jks-passphrase]

Optionally you can provide the passphrase during runtime:

$ docker run -it jks-tester -u [target-url] -k [jk-filename]

Security Considerations

  • Remove/purge volumes after testing to remove JKS from Docker environment
  • Use environment variable for password instead of command line argument
    $ JKSPASS=swordfish
    $ docker run jks-tester -u [target-url] -k [jks-filename] -p $JKSPASS
  • Provide password manually to jks-tester by not using the -p argument


Short Long Required? Description
-k --keystore yes Name of the JKS file
-p --password no Passphrase for the JKS file
-u --url yes Target URL to be tested
-v --verbose no Enable verbose output

If password is not provided as an argument, you will be prompted by jks-tester at runtime.