
This script will rename files from a folder and place them in a new one

Primary LanguagePython

Rename files in a directory

file_rename.py lists all files in a specified directory [source_directory] . Separates the file extension from the file name[file_extension] . If the file extensions are not includes in the exclusion list, then renames the files with the original file extension into another specified directory [destination_directory] . The new file name is based on enumerator [my_enumerator] , formated date [day_formated] , time [time_formated] and original file extension [file_extension]

To use this scrip

1. Edit source_directory variable with your own directory path where the files you wish to be renamed are located.

source_directory = "your Source Directory Path"

2. Edit destination_directory variable with your own directory path where the renamed files will be saved.

destination_directory = "your Destination Directory Path"

3. If you would like to modify the exclusion file list edit the extensions after != :

if file_extension != '.ini' and '.txt':

4. Run the script


If you would like to turn the "exclude" list into an "include" list, change != to ==:

if file_extension == '.doc' and '.pdf'

This will only move/rename files ending in '.doc' and '.pdf' in the source_directory
