
The Snake game made in C#

Primary LanguageC#


The Snake game made in C#

Minimum requirements:

a. You must use object-oriented programming.
b. The game will run in the terminal (console).
c. The playing area must be 61 characters wide and 30 characters high.
d. You should use system calls to clear the character screen.
e. The snake must be controlled using the arrow keys in the 4 possible directions. Keystrokes should be read without the need to press Enter.
f. The "graphics" of the game should use the symbols ■ ▣ ◎ to draw the boundaries of the stage, the snake, and the food it encounters (use a monospaced font).
g. When displaying characters horizontally, you should place a blank space between them so that the squares are evenly distributed horizontally and vertically.
h. The snake should move one position each second in the direction indicated by the last key pressed.
i. Every time the snake eats a piece, it should grow by one unit.
j. If the snake tries to overlap with a fixed character (stage boundaries or the snake's own body), the game should end.
k. If the game ends, a "Game Over" message and the points obtained (number of pieces eaten during the game) should be displayed.