- 1
Issue with Maven Central?
#73 opened by pintotomas - 5
JRE 1.8?
#52 opened by bhoeferlin - 1
- 2
Android Usage
#54 opened by omkar-tenkale - 3
Parity with Python
#57 opened by BradKML - 1
- 3
Cannot find dependencies
#66 opened by sksamuel - 0
Can h2database be replaced with mysql?
#67 opened by dendi875 - 0
Hash class to implement Compareable
#64 opened by Hummus-Ful - 4
Another Good Image Hash Method
#65 opened by mrlimbic - 0
Crop-Resistent Hash
#56 opened by BradKML - 0
Question: Image Hash vs Image Feature Descriptor
#55 opened by BradKML - 4
Can I use It in android?
#48 opened - 0
i love it so much!
#53 opened by testmepro - 1
- 6
Publish artifact to maven central
#32 opened by KilianB - 10
Support for transparent images
#38 opened by fbarrella - 0
Synk reports vulnerability for h2 dependency
#51 opened by KilianB - 1
Can't Find MathUtil or ArrayUtil
#45 opened by pschaeffer - 5
Problems with equals method
#46 opened by mpeters-tha - 4
- 0
- 7
Difficulty Building on Linux
#30 opened by jbrain - 1
3.0.0 conflicts with Spring Boot 2.1.1 Release
#39 opened by navykoo - 1
- 2
Comparing different size image
#42 opened by p06code - 7
HashValue as zero.
#41 opened by SandhyaU95 - 0
- 3
Support blockhash algorithm
#35 opened by allnightlong - 0
Take a look at hmsearch
#36 opened by KilianB - 1
- 4
- 2
Error Using Nexus repository (Resolved)
#31 opened by reinaldo-pinto - 1
hllo,i want to create a picture fingerprint ,how can i use you class to make it,thank you
#26 opened by lxy826076 - 1
Consider using different edit distances (cyclic and rotational variant to counter translation for location aware hashes)
#29 opened by KilianB - 1
- 0
- 2
Rethink image matcher interface
#18 opened by KilianB - 5
- 1
- 0
Make h2 dependency optional?
#16 opened by KilianB - 3
Unsupported Image Formats
#19 opened by anatolyra - 2
- 6
Sign bit and hash legnth
#9 opened by anatolyra - 0
- 0
Allow even size filter kernels
#12 opened by KilianB - 0
Optimize kernel performance by using multiple 1D passes rather than 2D convolution
#11 opened by KilianB - 0
- 1
- 0
Support JavaFX and run benchmark with jmh
#7 opened by KilianB