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Reproduction of the tcsh shell in C. Passes 87.5% of tests
You must write a Unix SHELL.
The project consists of two sections:
- a mandatory section, which MUST be completed: display a prompt, parse and execute some commands (see below),
- an optional section, which will only be evaluated if the mandatory section is fully functionnal.
⚠️ Authorized functions: all functions included in the libC or the ncurses library.
This section must be COMPLETELY FUNCTIONAL. Otherwise your grade will be 0.
Concerning command parsing and execution, you must handle:
- spaces and tabs,
- $PATH and environment,
- errors and return value,
- redirections (‘<’, ‘>’, ‘<<’ and ‘>>’),
- pipes (‘|’),
- builtins: cd, echo, exit, setenv, unsetenv,
- separators: ‘;’, ‘&&’, ‘||’
Here is a list of desired extras:
- inhibitors (‘\’),
- globbings (‘*’, ‘?’, ‘[’, ’]’),
- job control (‘&’, fg),
- backticks (“’),
- parentheses (‘(’ and ‘)’),
- variables (local and env),
- special variables (term, precmd, cwdcmd, cwd, ignoreof for instance),
- history (‘!’),
- aliases,
- line edition (multiline, dynamic rebinding, auto-completion dynamic,
- scripting (a bit harsh though).
make && ./42sh