
Project's structure consists of 6 directories that describe different topics about RabbitMQ

Here you can find next topics:

  • part1 - shows creating of 2 scripts for sending(sender.py)/receiving(worker.py) simple message via AMQP.
  • part2 - shows how to create the worker script allowing it to process the message (running simple function based on message as a parameter) and optimize the worker.
  • part3 - describes a way of creating a worker script that allows receiving a message by each of run workers.
  • part4 - explain how you can implement routing among several workers by criteria.
  • part5 - shows how to create a worker script implementing routing among several workers by several criteria.
  • part6 - demonstrates two scripts. The first one is implemented as a server receiving clients' requests to process the Fibonacci number. While the second implements the client's side sending a request to calculate the Fibonacci number for 30.

The info shown through the tutorial is a combination composed of a full Python adaptation of official documentation and info provided by a @zTrue (habr.com's user) that explained all the topics in Russian but using PHP.