
C# Sync & Async MySQL (MySqlConnector library) Wrapper

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

C# Sync & Async MySQL (MySqlConnector library) Wrapper


Available on NuGet NuGet version (Nexd.Reflection)

dotnet add package Nexd.MySQL --version 1.0.2


// import using
using Nexd.MySQL;

MySqlDb MySql = new MySqlDb("localhost", "root", "password", "database");

ExecuteQuery & ExecuteNonQuery usage (unsafe)

These functions are not safe in the context of SQL injection. Make sure to escape your values correctly before executing. (MySqlHelper.EscapeString(value);)

MySql.ExecuteQuery($"SELECT * FROM `Players` WHERE Name = '{name}';", name); make sure that the name is escaped.

MySql.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE * FROM `Players`;");

Where condition

MySqlQueryCondition conditions = new MySqlQueryCondition()
    .Add("ID", ">", "1002")
    .Add("ID", "<=", "1008");

MySqlQueryResult result = MySql.Table("players").Where(conditions).Select();
for(int i = 0; i < result.Rows; i++)
    Console.WriteLine($"{result.Get<int>(i, "ID")} {result.Get<string>(i, "Name")} {result.Get<string>(i, "Identifier")}");

MySqlQueryResult result = MySql.Table("players").Where("ID > 1002 AND ID <= 1008").Select();
for(int i = 0; i < result.Rows; i++)
    Console.WriteLine($"{result.Get<int>(i, "ID")} {result.Get<string>(i, "Name")} {result.Get<string>(i, "Identifier")}");

Insert Query

MySqlQueryValue values = new MySqlQueryValue()
    .Add("Name", "Player Name #1") // DB column is 'Name', insert data 'Player Name #1'
    .Add("Identifier", "uniqueidentifier"); // DB column is 'Identifier', insert data 'uniqueidentifier'

// assume there is a table named 'players'

Update Query

MySqlQueryValue values = new MySqlQueryValue()
    .Add("Name", "Player Name #2");

// with wrapper classes
int rowsAffected = MySql.Table("players").Where(MySqlQueryCondition.New("Identifier", "=", "uniqueidentifier")).Update(values);

// without
int rowsAffected = MySql.Table("players").Where("Identifier = 'uniqueidentifier'").Update(values);
int rowsAffected = MySql.Table("players").Where("Identifier = 'uniqueidentifier' AND ID > 0").Update(values); // random example that shows you can define your where statement just as you like

Select Query

// with wrapper classes
MySqlQueryResult result = MySql.Table("players").Where(MySqlQueryCondition.New("Identifier", "=", "uniqueidentifier")).Select();

// without
MySqlQueryResult result = MySql.Table("players").Where("Identifier = 'uniqueidentifier'").Select(); // you can specify the fields (columns) you want to select, also LIMIT the amount of results by passing them to the .Select() as parameters

// then
int playerId = result.Get<int>(0, "ID"); // 0 is the row, "ID" is the column name in the results
DateTime registeredAt = result.Get<DateTime>(0, "CreationDate"); // 0 is the row, "CreationDate" is the column name in the results

Delete Query

// with wrapper classes
int rowsAffected = MySql.Table("players").Where(MySqlQueryCondition.New("Identifier", "=", "uniqueidentifier")).Delete();

// without
int rowsAffected = MySql.Table("players").Where("Identifier = 'uniqueidentifier'").Delete();


Note: that every method has its Async version implemented

Documentation is currently unavailable, but its self explanatory and has the same syntax with the sync version, just with Async method names.

TODO / Missing

  • Joins
  • Subqueries
  • Group by?
  • Order by?